Thursday, May 30, 2013

Arrival in Paradise

Here is the painting which made me start it all! 
It is the arrival in Palawan (in the Philippines). 

The tip of the boat you see is a traditional boat, also called bangka. 

I did not have Turquoise paint at this time, so I recreated it as much as I could with some green, blue and white (not that easy actually!).

It was my first painting with acrylic paint (yay, I did say good bye to my cheap poster paint!!!) and it just made me want some more

(For more technical details...! it is a board canvas 16 x 20, original acrylic paint of an arrival on a tropical beach by boat.)
You can see it directly on my little gallery:

Arrival in Paradise

Hope you like it as much as I do! Because it it was my first it will always be special!

One Love,


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